Rogue Legacy 2 Wiki

Crits is a mechanic that increases your damage. It's an abbreviation of "Critical hits".


There are 3 types of Crits: Skill/Spell, Random, and Super.

Types of Crits
Icon Name Description
GuaranteedCriticalHitBacking Texture Skill Crit.

Spell Crit.

Occurs when using Weapons (Skill Crit) and Spells (Spell Crit) in specific ways.

The most common type of Crit, and the easiest to perform.

You can dash with most weapons to perform a dash attack, triggering a Skill Crit.

CriticalHitBacking Texture Random Crit. Randomly occurs.

Your Random Crit Chance stat must be at least 1% for Random Crits to trigger.

SuperCriticalHitBacking Texture Super Crit. Occurs when a Skill Crit and a Random Crit occur at the same time.

Super Crits multiply the total damage dealt by the Skill Crit by 35%.

Your base Super Crit chance is half your Random Crit Chance.

Note that overlapping Skill Crit mechanics will not result in a Super Crit

(eg. using a dash attack on an enemy with Tiny StatusEffect Icon Vulnerable Vulnerable).

Dexterity & Focus[]

Dexterity and Focus increase the damage of your Weapon Skill Crits and Magic Crits, respectively.

The extra Crit. Damage done when you trigger a critical hit is calculated individually using Dexterity/Focus and their respective Skill Crit. Scaling stats. The damage is then added on top of your regular damage.

To reiterate, unlike a more typical critical hit system used in most RPGs, normal crits in RL2 do not scale off the hit's base damage. Meaning a Skill Crit. Scaling stat of 120% is not giving you 120% critical hit damage. Skill Crit. Scaling increases the effect of Dexterity or Focus by a percentage, which is then added on top of your normal hit's damage. This means you can have a very low Strength or Intelligence stat for normal hits, but deal absolutely massive critical damage if you have high Dexterity or Focus.

The exception to this is the Super Crit damage bonus, which increases the damage of the entire hit by 35%.


The formula for Regular and Crit. Damage is shown below.

Type Regular Damage Crit. Damage
Skill Crit Strength * WPN_SCALE[1] + (Dexterity * WPN_SCALE * Skill Crit. Scaling (Dex) )
Magic Crit Intelligence * SPELL_SCALE[2] + (Focus * SPELL_SCALE * Magic Crit. Scaling (Focus) )
  1. WPN_SCALE refers to your weapon's STR scaling (see Weapons, or Strength » Weapons).
  2. SPELL_SCALE refers to your spell's INT scaling (see Spells, or Intelligence » Spells)


Expand to view this example.

We'll look at 2 examples here. We'll be using these stats:

  • STR = 115
  • DEX = 30
  • Skill Crit Scaling (Dex) = 120% (i.e. 1.2)

First we'll try the Katana. It has a Strength scaling of 2 (see Weapons).

As a reminder, the formula for Skill Crit. Damage is:

( STR * WPN_SCALE ) + ( DEX * WPN_SCALE * Skill Crit. Scaling (Dex) ) = Total Crit. Damage

So the calculation for Skill Crit. Damage would be:

( 115 * 2 ) + ( 30 * 2 * 1.2 ) = 302

As a 2nd example, let's use the Kinetic Revolver, which has a STR scaling of 0.4 per shot. The calculation would be:

( 115 * 0.4 ) + ( 30 * 0.4 * 1.2 ) = 60

Damage values are always rounded, so that would total to 60.


Classes that can most easily perform Skill Crits include Tiny Class Icon Assassin Assassin, Tiny Class Icon Barbarian Barbarian, Tiny Class Icon Dragon Lancer Dragon Lancer, Tiny Class Icon Duelist Duelist and Tiny Class Icon Gunslinger Brigand.

Tiny Class Icon Ronin Ronin and Tiny Class Icon Ranger Ranger are also adept at Skill Crits, albeit slightly more difficult to master.

Some Classes have class passives that interact with Crits:

Crit classes
Icon Name Class Passive Passive Effect
Assassin L Assassin Eagle Eye +10% Super Crit. Chance
Duelist L Duelist Show-off Casting any Talent grants Tiny StatusEffect Icon Charged Charged.

(This makes your next Weapon attack Skill Crit.)

Knight L Knight Veteran +5% Weapon Crit. Chance
Pirate L Pirate Cheap Shot +10% Weapon Crit. Damage

+10% Spell Crit. Damage

Valkyrie L Valkyrie Battleborn +5% Magic Crit. Chance

+10% Magic Crit. Damage


Some Relics interact with Crits:

Crit Relics
Image Name Resolve Description Notes
Icons Relics Small AllCritDamageUp Atropos' Scissors 25 Critical damage from Spells and Weapons increased by 20%. Also applies to Talents and Magic Damage dealt by relics.
Icons Relics Small AllCritChanceUp Clotho's Spindle 25 Critical chance for Spells and Weapons increased by 10%. Also applies to Talents and Magic Damage dealt by relics.
Feathered Cap Feathered Cap 35 Casting your Talent grants you Tiny StatusEffect Icon Charged Charged for 1.5 seconds.

(This makes your next Weapon attack Skill Crit.)

Icons Relics Small CritKillsHeal Lachesis' Measure 55 Enemies defeated with a critical hit restore your Health. (Scales with 50% of your Int.) The most consistent healing relic in the game provided the player can consistently Skill Crit.
Icons Relics Small CritDamageCurse Lamech's Whetstone 35 Weapon Skill Crits now apply Tiny StatusEffect Icon Magic Break Magic Break for 3 seconds. Great on Assassins and Dragon Lancers due to their easy Skill Crits and supplemental Spell Damage.
Icons Relics Small SuperCritChanceUp Obelisk 25 Your Skill Crits have an extra 20% chance of becoming Super Crits. Cheap and powerful provided the player consistently Skill Crits. Equivalent to 8 Tiny Rune Icon Lucky Roller Lucky Roller Runes.


Some Runes interact with Crits:

Crit Runes
Icon Name Weight Effect Factor
Icon Runes WeaponCritChanceAdd Sharpened 30 Increases your Random Weapon Crit. Chance. +2.5%
Icon Runes WeaponCritDamageAdd Might 30 Increases your Weapon's Crit. Damage (+5% per rune)

Shown as "Skill Crit Scaling (Dex)"

Icon Runes MagicCritChanceAdd Focal 30 Increases your Random Magic Crit. Chance. +2.5%
Icon Runes MagicCritDamageAdd Eldar 30 Increases your Magic Crit. Damage (+5% per rune)

Shown as "Skill Crit Scaling (Focus)"

Icon Runes SuperCritChanceAdd Lucky Roller 30 Skill Crits have a bonus chance of becoming Super Crits +2.5%
Icon Runes SuperCritDamageAdd High Stakes 30 Increases the final damage multiplier from Super Crits +5%


Every Spell can Skill Crit.

Icon Spell MP Skill Crit
Icons Spells Flamethrower Blaze Bellow 10 / tick Skill Crits after 1.5 seconds.
Icons Spells Fireball Fireball 50 Applies Tiny StatusEffect Icon Burn Burn. Last ticks of Burn are Skill Crits.
Icons Spells FlameBarrier Flame Barrier 15 / tick Skill Crits after 1.5 seconds.
Icons Spells FreezeStrike Freeze Strike 100 Strike Frozen enemies to Skill Crit.

Skill Crits nearby enemies.

Icons Spells SporeSpread Fungal Spread 75 Applies Tiny StatusEffect Icon Spore Burst Spore Burst, which always Skill Crits.

Skill Crits far off enemies.

Icons Spells GravityWell Flipped Gravity Beam 100 Last ticks of the beam are Skill Crits.
Icons Spells LightningStrike Lightning Storm 50 Applies Tiny StatusEffect Icon Vulnerable Vulnerable, making the next attacks Skill Crits.
Icons Spells AimLaser Lucent Beam 10 / tick Skill Crits after 1.5 seconds.
Icons Spells PoolBall Magic 8 Ball 50 After two bounces, it will Skill Crit.
Icons Spells MagmaBall Magma Mass 50 Will Skill Crit while falling.
Icons Spells PoisonBomb Poison Bomb 75 Applies Tiny StatusEffect Icon Poison Poison. After 6 seconds, all Poison ticks are Skill Crits.
Icons Spells AilmentCurse Prismatic Spectrum 100 Applies Tiny StatusEffect Icon Frozen Frozen, Tiny StatusEffect Icon Burn Burn and Tiny StatusEffect Icon Spore Burst Spore Burst.
Icons Spells StraightBolt Searing Shot 50 Applies Tiny StatusEffect Icon Burn Burn. Last ticks of Tiny StatusEffect Icon Burn Burn are Skill Crits.
Icons Spells SnapSpell Shield of Thorns 100 Applies Tiny StatusEffect Icon Spore Burst Spore Burst, which always Skill Crits.

Skill Crits after blocking a Projectile.

Icons Spells EnergyBounceShockwave Shockwave 100 Skill Crits enemies close to the centre.
Icons Spells DamageZone Tesla Spike 50 Last ticks of its damaging radius are Skill Crits.
Icons Spells TimeBomb White Star 75 Will always Skill Crit.
Icons Spells DamageWall Wind Wall 100 Skill Crits after blocking a Projectile.


One Trait interacts with Crits:

Crit Traits
Icon Name Effect
Icons Traits SkillCritsOnly Perfectionist Only Skill Crits deal damage.


Some Upgrades affect Crits. Note that 2 of these upgrades require unlocking via The Soul Shop.

Crit Upgrades
Icon Name Effect Soul Shop
Icon SkillTree DexterityUp Flower Shop +1 Dexterity per rank
Yoga Class
Icon SkillTree WeaponCritChanceFlat The Dicer's Den +1% Weapon Crit Chance Absolute Strength
Icon SkillTree WeaponCritDamageFlat The Laundromat +2% Weapon Crit Damage
Icon SkillTree FocusUp Court of the Wise +1 Focus per rank
Hall Of Wisdom
Icon SkillTree MagicCritChanceFlat The Quantum Observatory +1% Spell Crit Chance Infinite Knowledge
Icon SkillTree MagicCritDamageFlat The Lodge +2% Spell Crit Damage


Every weapon can perform a Skill Crit.

You can dash with some weapons to perform a dash attack, triggering a Skill Crit. Weapons that can't dash attack have an ❌ in the "Dash" column.

Icon Weapon Class Notes Dash STR INT
Icons Weapons Spoons Bag o' Spoons Tiny Class Icon Chef Waiter Skill Crits after the first bounce.

(Bouncing also adds +175% INT damage).

1.75 -
Icons Weapons ShotgunWeapon Blunderbuss Tiny Class Icon Gunslinger Brigand Last shot Skill Crits. 0.5 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon BoxingGloves Boxing Gloves Tiny Class Icon Boxer Boxer Dash attack only. 0.5 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon CannonWeapon Cannon Tiny Class Icon Pirate Pirate Dash attack only. 1.75 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon AstroWandWeapon Celestial Sceptre Tiny Class Icon Astromancer Astromancer Skill Crits in the center of the AoE. 0.2 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon Lance Charge Lance Tiny Class Icon Dragon Lancer Dragon Lancer Flying Joust (charged attack) Skill Crits.

Also adds 160% INT damage. Cannot Dash attack.

2 1.6
Icons Weapons WeaponScythe Charon's Scythe Tiny Class Icon Mage Reaper The 1st swipe Skill Crits enemies with high health.

The 2nd swipe Skill Crits enemies with low health.

1.25 -
Icons Weapons CrowstormWeapon Crow Storm Tiny Class Icon Astromancer Lich Skill Crits nearby enemies. 1.1 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapons DualBlades Dual Blades Tiny Class Icon Assassin Assassin Skill Crits on the 3rd slash. 0.5 -
Icons Weapons TonfaWeapon Dragon Fangs Tiny Class Icon Assassin Eventide Spymaster Final strike Skill Crits. 0.2 -
Dragon Puppet Dragon Puppet Tiny Class Icon Dragon Lancer Dragon Puppeteer Perform a Perfect Release to Skill Crit. 2.25 -
Icons Weapons KineticBow Electric Lute Tiny Class Icon Bard Rock Star Triggers Tiny StatusEffect Icon Charged Charged[W 1] after Spin Kicking. 1.5 1.5
Icons DEFAULT Weapon ExplosiveHands Enkindled Gauntlets - Shoot Tiny Class Icon Boxer Enkindled Boxer Skill Crits after your projectiles travel a certain distance. 2 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon Spear Fauchard Tiny Class Icon Valkyrie Valkyrie Dash attack only. 1.6 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon FryingPan Frying Pan Tiny Class Icon Chef Chef Gain Tiny StatusEffect Icon Charged Charged[W 1] after deflecting a projectile.

Can also dash attack, but it does not Skill Crit.

1.65 -
Icons Weapons GroundBow Handheld Ballista Tiny Class Icon Ranger Ballistic Archer Perform a Perfect Release to Skill Crit. 4.25 -
Icons Weapons AxeSpinning Hephaestus' Hammer Tiny Class Icon Barbarian Fighter Dash attack only. 0.4 -
Icons Weapons UmbrellaWeapon Kasa-obake Tiny Class Icon Ronin Demon Tamer Skill Crits after blocking a Mid-sized Projectile. 2.25 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon KatanaWeapon Katana Tiny Class Icon Ronin Ronin Hit an enemy with the edge of your blade

(a small effect shows where this is).

2 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapons Pistol Kinetic Revolver Tiny Class Icon Gunslinger Gunslinger The last 10 bullets will Skill Crit. 0.4 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon Axe Labrys - Ground Tiny Class Icon Barbarian Barbarian Ground attacks always Skill Crit.

Can dash attack while in the air.

2.4 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon LuteWeapon Lute

Tiny Class Icon Bard Bard

Notes will Skill Crit after a short duration. 0.3 -
Mjolnir Mjolnir - Hammer Tiny Class Icon Valkyrie God of Thunder Hammer Skill Crits when returning. 1.5 -
Icons Weapons ChakramWeapon Pepperoni Pizza Tiny Class Icon Knight Pizza Delivery Person Pizzas Skill Crit on their return journey. 0.6 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon Saber Saber Tiny Class Icon Duelist Duelist Dash attack only. 1.8 -
Surfboard Surfboard Tiny Class Icon Pirate Surfer Skill Crits after surfing for a short time. 1.4 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon Sword Sword Tiny Class Icon Knight Knight Dash attack only. 2 -
Icons Weapons SniperWeapon The Triangulator Tiny Class Icon Duelist Stygian Sharpshooter Skill Crits after a ricochet. 1.2 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon Wand Wand of Blasting - Fireball Tiny Class Icon Mage Mage Spending 50 Mana grants Tiny StatusEffect Icon Charged Charged [W 1] 1.1 -
Icons DEFAULT Weapon Bow War Bow Tiny Class Icon Ranger Ranger Perform a Perfect Shot to Skill Crit. 2.25 -
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Tiny StatusEffect Icon Charged Charged status effect makes your next Weapon attack a Skill Crit.

Armor Sets[]

Some Armor Sets interact with Crits:

Icon Armor Set Stats Unity Bonuses
Icons GEAR MAGIC CRIT Chest Scholar Set +3 Focus +10 Focus
+20 Focus
+20% Crit Chance (Magic)
Icons GEAR STRENGTH CRIT Chest Warden Set +2 Dexterity
+3 Focus
+10 Dexterity
+20 Dexterity
+20% Crit Chance (Weapon)
Icons GEAR REVIVE Chest White Wood Set +155 Focus +5% Crit Chance (Magic)
+20% Crit Damage (Magic)
+20% Dexterity
Icons GEAR FINAL BOSS Chest Black Root Set +155 Dexterity +5% Crit Chance (Weapon)
+20% Crit Damage (Weapon)
+20% Focus

